NAAEE is a vibrant professional network working to advance environmental literacy and civic engagement throughout North America and beyond. Our members are professionals with environmental education responsibilities and interests across businesses, government, higher education, formal (K–12) education, nonformal education, early childhood education, science education and STEM, and other sectors of society.

We are proud of our many accomplishments to elevate environmental education as a key strategy for creating lasting environmental change, none of which could have been achieved without the incredible support of our many valued partners and funders.

Become a Member
Join our network of dedicated individuals and institutions committed to using environmental education as a tool to create lasting change.

Join eePRO
eePRO is the global community of environmental educators. Connect with other EE professionals, participate in discussions in eePRO groups, and find resources, events, opportunities, and jobs!

Annual Conference
NAAEE’s annual conferences have helped shape environmental education into the powerful force it is today, positively advancing civic engagement, environmental literacy, STEM learning, and the health of our communities and our planet.

Connect with Your Affiliate
This grassroots network of more than 50 state, provincial, and regional affiliates across North America collaborates on policy issues, network-building, and resource-sharing, and facilitates learning opportunities such as webinars, workshops, and conferences.

Awards for Excellence
NAAEE Excellence in EE Awards are presented to individuals and organizations at our annual conference to recognize outstanding achievements in environmental education.

We blog, too! Hear from talented and thought-provoking professionals on the latest thinking in EE. Add to the conversation by sharing your reactions and thoughts in the comments section!

Connect with Us
We want to hear from you! Please reach out to us to learn more about our work or connect with our staff if you have questions or need assistance.