EE Futures Fund

With contributions of $5,000 and above, the EE Futures Fund will become the critical venture capital that enables NAAEE to deliver a new generation of timely resources, insights, and innovations to support educators, conservation practitioners, and sustainability-minded citizens in an increasingly complex world. 



Natural Start child reading book in dandelion field

The EE Futures Fund will enable NAAEE to:

  • Work toward a future in which every young child can access high-quality education that includes nature and the environment every day;
  • Advance climate change education policy, mobilizing key partners around emerging policy opportunities; and
  • Help to build an environmental workforce that represents the racial, cultural, geographic, and sectoral diversity that exists in every corner of the world.


diverse group of young teachers

Donate to the EE Futures Fund and receive:

  • A listing as a "EE Futures Fund Donor" on the NAAEE website
  • Subscription to our quarterly newsletter
  • Invitation to the President's reception at the NAAEE Annual Conference
  • And all of the benefits of membership

We invite you to be a part of NAAEE’s next chapter. 

Ready to donate? 

Donate to EE Futures Fund online

Or mail your donation to: NAAEE, 1250 24th Street, NW, Suite 710, Washington, DC 20037

To learn more about how you or your organization can become a founding donor to the EE Futures Fund, please contact