Learn about our work to advance climate change education and ensure that education and engagement are part of the toolbox of solutions to build more resilient communities, advance justice, and equity, and create a climate-ready workforce.

New Resource! The Climate Education Policy Toolkit
Looking to make a difference in climate education? The Climate Education Policy Toolkit is your guide through the ins and outs of state and local climate education policy! Dive in and get ready to make an impact tailored to what your community needs most.

Climate Change in Higher Education Policy
Mapping the Landscape of Climate Change in Higher Education Policy in the United States is a new report from NAAEE and the MECCE Project on the state of climate change policies in universities and colleges across the country.

State of Climate Change Education Survey Findings
Results show teachers and administrators overwhelmingly agree that climate change education is important and should be taught across subjects.

State Policy Summaries
State climate education policies and resolutions in the United States

District Policy Summaries
District climate education policies and resolutions in the United States.

Case Studies
Explore case studies that uplift and celebrate climate education policies in the United States.

U.S. Landscape Analysis
Visit this data visualization platform created to benchmark states currently including climate change in education policy materials.

What's New?
Get the latest news on the Coalition's work to support climate change education to build more resilient communities, advance justice and equity, and create a climate-ready workforce.