

orange mountains at sunset reflecting on lake

ee360+ is an ambitious multi-year initiative that supports a motivated cadre of environmental education leaders to increase environmental literacy for everyone, everywhere. NAAEE leads the initiative through a cooperative agreement with U.S. EPA and partner organizations.

ee360+ Leadership and Training Collaborative: From Inspiration to Impact


terraced rice field in Vietnam

Powered by Collaboration

Together with our partners and advisors, NAAEE is bringing more than five decades of expertise to our effort to strengthen the field of environmental education, advance environmental literacy, and build a collaborative movement.


ripples on water above rocks in a stream bed

Ripple Effect Blog Series

This blog series, Ripple Effect, highlights stories of collaboration and impact among partners in the ee360+ Leadership and Training Collaborative. More posts will be added regularly. 


close up of a group of zebras

ee360 History

ee360+ builds on 30 years of U.S. EPA’s commitment to support a nationwide effort to strengthen the field and support professional development and innovative leaders through training, state-of-the-art education materials and research, and an online hub where educators can share new approaches and best practices.