NAAEE Newsletters

Sign up for one of our newsletters!

NAAEE’s e-newsletters offer time-sensitive announcements and job opportunities for the EE field.

To submit an announcement to eeNEWS, add the post and NAAEE staff will review, publish, and tag the post to an upcoming issue, if appropriate. For questions about the newsletters, contact

Notice: We're fixing a CAPTCHA issue on our subscription page, expected to be resolved by October 15. You can bypass the issue by either logging in to or creating an eePRO account, and then returning to this page to subscribe. Or visit this page on the 15th when the CAPTCHA is fixed to sign up for a newsletter. Thank you for your patience!

Subscribe to One or More Newsletters

eeNEWS (nonmember): Sign up for the free NAAEE newsletter that is published twice a month throughout the year to promote EE events, announcements, grants, and resources. Become an NAAEE member to receive advanced content.

eeJOBS: Receive NAAEE’s newsletter highlighting the most recent jobs on eePRO. You can see a continuously updated list on eePRO or sign up for the newsletter to get them delivered bi-weekly to your inbox.

eeADVOCATE: Get a quarterly newsletter spotlighting opportunities, resources, and accomplishments in environmental education policy at the state and federal levels. (View example issue here >)

GEEP News: Receive the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) quarterly newsletter that highlights the latest news, spotlights, and other announcements on global environmental education.

Natural Start Alliance News: Get a monthly newsletter for early childhood environmental education. Sign up with a free Natural Start Alliance membership.

NAAEE Conference News: Receive the latest news about NAAEE's Annual Conference and Research Symposium. Be the first to know about calls for presentations, early-bird registration, special conference events, and more.