You have everything you need, right inside you, in order to do great things.” —Barbara Humpton
Dear Friends,
As the holiday season approaches, many of us are reflecting on the power of community, connection, and shared purpose. It’s a time of year that reminds us not only of the beauty of the world we live in but also of our collective ability to address challenges and work together to create the world we want.
During the past few months, we’ve had the privilege of engaging with some of the most passionate, talented, and innovative individuals in environmental education. In our new podcast, The World We Want, hosted by the remarkable Gerry Ellis, we’re exploring stories that inspire hope and highlight meaningful change and insights from the lives of our guests. As we look to the future, these voices remind us of possibility. Here are just a few highlights from our guests who have sparked our imagination.
Jaime González, Urban Green director for the Student Conservation Association, shares his vision of bringing the wonder of nature into urban spaces. Jaime reminds us that awe doesn’t require a trip to the Grand Canyon; it can be found in the butterfly along a neighborhood bayou. “As we look to the world that we want,” he says, “we want it to be fairer, greener, more joyous, and more hopeful. And I think environmental education, in some ways, is a prerequisite to all of that.”

Dr. Vik Mohan, a physician and marine conservationist, underscores the importance of listening and collaboration in his work linking health and conservation. “When we’re doing the work well,” Vik says, “we are addressing all the determinants of wellbeing for the communities: livelihoods, health, education, security, and rights.” He reminds us that true change comes when we approach others with humility, humor, and a commitment to our shared humanity.
From Gregg Behr and Ryan Rydzewski, authors of When You Wonder, You’re Learning, we learn about the enduring and inspiring lessons of Fred Rogers. “Fred had this way of communicating that was incredibly bridging,” Ryan reflects. “If you want to bring someone around to believing what you believe, you have to come to them from a place of fellowship, of deep listening, and of loving speech.” Their insights encourage us to approach even the most complex challenges with empathy and courage.
Finally, Joy Hayley Munthali, founder of Girls Green Platform, reminds us of the global nature of our combined efforts. Joy’s reflections on resilience and community are a testament to the strength we draw from our diverse network of educators and advocates. Joy also mentions the warmth and kindness of growing up in Malawi and the feeling that "we’re all in this together."
These voices give us insights into how we can create a better world—one rooted in action, connection, and the unwavering belief in the power of education to transform lives and communities. As we enter the holiday season, let's carry forward their spirit as we nurture awe, foster connection, listen to each other, and build bridges that unite us.
As we reflect on our progress in 2024, we know that none of this work would be possible without the generosity and commitment of supporters like you. Your contributions sustain our efforts to advance environmental education, nurture connections, and inspire changemakers across the globe. This holiday season, we invite you to consider making a donation to NAAEE. Every gift—no matter the size—makes a meaningful difference in continuing this work.

On behalf of everyone at NAAEE, thank you for being an integral part of our community. Your dedication and passion fuel our spirits and our mission. We hope your holidays are filled with joy, reflection, and renewed hope for the year ahead. And in between bites of holiday cookies and family time, I hope you tune into The World We Want: The NAAEE Podcast to hear more from these inspiring colleagues.
With gratitude and warm wishes,
Judy Braus
Executive Director