EIF in the Classroom

EIF offers an opportunity for educators and their students to use a deliberative process to consider critical issues related to climate change, energy, and water.

A series of teacher’s guides have been developed to introduce you to the Environmental Issues Forums process and to provide background information on deliberation. The Teacher’s Guides describe how to use EIF in the classroom and include material that will help you moderate a forum with your students. 

Visit EIF Moderator Resources for additional information on how to moderate forums, including moderator guides, tips for facilitating deliberation, and an online moderator training module. And, view "Healthy Classroom Talk, Using Deliberation in the Classroom" a webinar presented by classroom teachers.

Climate Change

We are committed to supporting teachers’ use of the Climate Choices issue guide in their classrooms.

Visit Climate Choices: Issue Guide and Resources to download the Climate Choices issue guide and access Moderator Resources for using the Climate Choices Issue Guide, Selected Background Information on Climate Change, Selected Educational Resources for Climate Change Education, and Selected Information on Public Perception of Climate Change.


Meeting the United States’ substantial appetite for energy raises a complex network of economic, environmental, and political issues. There are national security and economic concerns, environmental problems like air and water pollution, and potential climate change effects from fossil fuels, such as extreme weather, sea-level rise, and changing growing seasons. Through the Energy Choices EIF in the Classroom materials, you can help your students think through these issues.

Visit Energy Choices: What Should We Do About America's Energy Future? to download the Energy Choices issue guide and access Moderator Resources for using the Energy Choices issue guide.

Additional resources for using EIF in the Classroom can be found at the National Issues Forums Educator’s Center.

Teaching Argumentation

Students, when confronted with arguments for and against different action options on controversial issues, can become bewildered and feel pressured to make a definitive choice without really thinking things through. They may be swayed by an emotional appeal without really even recognizing it. However, when students are presented with and given the opportunity to practice argumentation, their bewilderment is lessened and they gain a greater understanding of their own and others’ decision-making. They hone critical thinking skills and become more practiced at framing an argument and making an effective case.

Use these activities to guide students through a structured process of argumentation.

Create your own set of activities related to teaching argumentation using this template.

Higher Education

View this webinar on how EIF is being used in Higher Education settings, featuring educators from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and Eastern Kentucky University.