Climate Change Education Resources

These resources are curated to help educators teach about climate change and climate justice and provide policymakers with updates about legislation at the state- and district-level. Use this evolving resource database to inspire you, help you learn something new, and support your work.

Climate Change Education Reports


White background with a photo of a report cover on the left and black and blue text on the right says, "We mapped the landscape of nonformal climate change communication and education (CCE) across the United States and found over 1,000 organizations. The report has 4 recommendations..."

New Report! Climate Change in Nonformal Education

Find key insights and recommendations from a study of over 1,000 organizations in Mapping the Landscape of Nonformal Climate Communication and Education across the United States.


three college students planting in forest

Climate Change in Higher Education Policy

Mapping the Landscape of Climate Change in Higher Education Policy in the United States is a new report from NAAEE and the MECCE Project on the state of climate change policies in universities and colleges across the country.


wildlife collage in v shape

K–12 Climate Change Education Policy

NAAEE and the MECCE Project are excited to release the findings of a comprehensive analysis, Mapping the Landscape of K–12 Climate Change Education Policy in the United States.


Climate Change Education: What are we hearing from educators and administrators?

State of Climate Change Education Survey Findings

Results show teachers and administrators overwhelmingly agree that climate change education is important and should be taught across subjects.

Helpful Resources


illustration of diverse hands reaching for the globe

Climate Literacy and State Policies

Check out this comprehensive list of resources curated by the Coalition for Climate Education Policy.


teacher and children using nets on pier

Resources for Educators

Comprehensive list of professional development, funding, and classroom resources from the eePRO community. 


polar bear, evergreens, charging symbol, windmills

eeWORKS: Identifying Effective Climate Change Education Strategies

Well-designed climate change education can have a tremendous impact.


U.S. Capitol Dome standing above green bushes and pink and yellow flowers.

Case Studies

Learn what several states across the U.S. are doing about climate education legislation and policies.


colorful line of arms raised

Climate Education Policies and Resolutions

Learn about the progress made on policy initiatives, focused at the state and national level.