Coalition for Climate Education Policy News

Coalition for Climate Education Policy News

illustration of diverse group of students

Webinar Recording: Mapping the Landscape of K–12 Climate Change Education Policy in the United States

NAAEE and Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Project (MECCE) held a webinar to talk about the findings of a comprehensive analysis of K–12 Climate Change Education Policy in the United States, including the next steps for supporting these recommendations. 

This analysis explored the status of climate change education policy in the United States by analyzing the extent and type of climate change inclusion in 802 publicly available education policies from state departments or boards of education. 

The Powerful Connection Between Education, Climate, and Justice: Town Hall Webinar

On September 22, 2021, Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State joined four leaders in the EE field for an inspiring and hopeful webinar. During their conversation, they discuss the power in addressing climate change through an EE lens, and the importance of elevating justice in EE work. 

This webinar is part of NAAEE’s 50th Anniversary to advance environmental literacy and civic engagement with a goal of using the power of education to find solutions to our most pressing issues.

ICYMI: A Recording of the CCEP Launch Meeting

Members of the Coalition for Climate Education Policy share bold ideas for how we can work together to advance climate literacy across the U.S.


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Groups Cheer Introduction of the Climate Change Education Act

March 25, 2021

The Climate Change Education Act was introduced into the 117th Congress on Thursday, March 25. Founding members of the Coalition for Climate Education Policy applaud the proposed legislation.