FY2025 EE Appropriations

Building facade showing plants growing on the wall and in between windows

Addressing complex and urgent environmental problems requires an informed and engaged citizenry. Federal environmental education (EE) programs through the EPA and NOAA have been crucial in funding local education initiatives that help students and the general public participate in community decisions about environmental issues.

Each year, we ask educators and advocates to join us in asking Congress to include these essential programs in the federal budget. We do this by urging Senators and Representatives to sign on to "Dear Colleague" letters in support of funding levels for the key programs described below. Take action today to help secure the future of environmental education! 

For the fiscal year 2025 Federal Appropriations, we are seeking a needed funding increase for each of these priority programs.

Take Action Tools

An Advocate's Guide to the FY2025 EE Appropriations Campaign (Updated April 29, 2024)

Record of past Congressional support for EE

NAAEE's Guide to Advocacy Basics

National Environmental Education Act / EPA Office of Environmental Education

This 30-year-old federal program directs essential grants to EE across the country. It funds innovative programming, facilitates key professional development, enables scholars and practitioners to conduct basic research, and provides vital basic services for the field. The program is central to the work of EE, including a local grant program key for communities all around the U.S. Environmental Education Grant Descriptions | US EPA.

  • NAAEE Position: This very effective program should be funded at $14 million for fiscal year 2025.
  • Our Ask: We urge Senators to sign a similar letter from Sen. Gillibrand (NY), to the Senate subcommittee that focuses on the Interior and other departments, including the EPA program.
  • FYI, here is the Senate letter being circulated this year that you can refer to and/or forward to Congressional offices.

Download our fact sheet on funding the National Environmental Education Act via the EPA Office of Environmental Education to share with Congressional offices.

The deadline for Senate offices to endorse the EPA EE letter is Thursday, May 9th - MAKING YOUR INITIAL OUTREACH BY Wednesday, MAY 1st IS BEST!

NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training Program (B-WET)

The NOAA B-WET program promotes locally relevant, experiential learning for K-12 students. The competitive, peer-reviewed funding promotes “meaningful watershed educational experiences” in six regions: California, Chesapeake Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Great Lakes, Hawai'i, New England, and the Pacific Northwest. Since 2002, NOAA has invested over $100 million to support more than 800 B-WET projects. Funding has been stagnant over the past few years, while the need for this type of education has grown dramatically.

  • NAAEE Position: We endorse increased funding to $12 million for fiscal year 2025..
  • Our Ask: We urge Members of Congress to sign a combined letter to Appropriators in support of this funding, and for the ELP Grant Program.

NOAA Environmental Literacy Program (ELP)

This important program provides the public with science-based environmental education related to increasing community resilience and efficacy in solving local environmental problems. Funding for the ELP program has been level for a number of years, while demand for the funding has grown. 

  • NAAEE Position: We endorse increased funding to $8 million for fiscal year 2025.
  • Our Ask: We urge Members of Congress to sign a combined letter to Appropriators in support of this funding, and the B-WET program.

Download or link our fact sheet on NOAA B-WET and ELP funding to share with Congressional offices.

NOAA Education has a new story map that offers vivid examples of funding impacts across the agency’s suite of programs.

New to advocacy? Getting started is easier than you think!

  1. The first step is to find out who represents you and the areas where your program has impact. Use the Senate and House websites to find your legislators.
  2. Once you know who represents you (and your program), learn more about their record of support for EE (note tabs on the bottom to switch from Senate to House).
  3. Explore our current advocacy priorities (above) and use the instructions and resources provided to reach out to Congress today!


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