Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE

man in forest studying plants

The Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education Award is presented each year to an individual who has made a significant contribution to environmental education through research in the following areas:

  • Conducting EE research of a substantive nature that contributes to the theory and practice of EE;
  • Reporting of EE research at professional conferences or in refereed journals or other research publications; and
  • Promoting EE research through activities, such as serving on research committees or on editorial boards of research publications, teaching and/or serving on thesis committees, and designing training programs in research and evaluation.


Robert Powell and Marc Stern Tucson, AZ

2022 Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE Award

Prof. Robert B. Powell, Clemson University, and Prof. Marc J. Stern, Virginia Tech

Past Recipients

2019 Winner
Dr. Marianne Krasny, Director of the Civic Ecology Lab at Cornell University

2018 Winner
Dr. Martha Monroe, Professor and Associate Director in the Faculty of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida 

2017 Winner
Dr. Constance Russell, Professor, Lakehead University 

2016 Winner
Dr. Nicole Ardoin, Associate Professor, Stanford University  

2015 Winner
Dr. Alan Reid, Monash University Faculty of Education and Monash Sustainability Institute 

2014 Winner
Dr. Michaela Zint, Associate Professor of Environmental Education & Communication School of Natural Resources & Environment, School of Education, College of Literature, Science & the Arts University of Michigan

2013 Winner
Dr. Justin Dillon, Professor of Science and Environmental Education and Head of the Science and Technology Group, King's College London 

2011 Winner
Dr. William McBeth, Wisconsin 

2010 Winner
Dr. Robert Stevenson, Australia 

2009 Winner
Dr. Bob Jickling, Lakehead University, Canada 

2008 Winner
Dr. Arjen E.J. Wals, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands 

2007 Winner
Dr. Regula Kybruz-Graber, University of Zurich, Switzerland

2006 Winner
Dr. Michael Brody, Montana State University 

2006 Winner
Dr. Stephen Kellert, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 

2005 Winner
Dr. Ian Robottom, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia

2003 Winner
Dr. William Scott, University of Bath 

2002 Winner
Dr. Joe E. Heimlich, Ohio State University 

2001 Winner
Dr. John Ramsey

2000 Winner
Dr. Robert Roth, Ohio State University 

1999 Winner
Dr. Nicholas J. Smith-Sebasto, University of Illinois

1997 Winner
Dr. Louise Chawla, Kentucky State University 

1996 Winner
Dr. Deborah Simmons, University of Illinois 

1995 Winner
Dr. Trudi Volk, Southern Illinois University 

1994 Winner
Dr. Thomas Marcinkowski, Florida Institute of Technology 

1993 Winner
Dr. Paul Hart, University of Regina, Canada 

1992 Winner
Dr. Rosanne Fortner, The Ohio State University 

1991 Winner
Dr. Harold Hungerford, Southern Illinois University 

1990 Winner
Dr. Thomas Tanner, University of Iowa

1989 Winner
Dr. Ted Mills, Oklahoma State University

1988 Winner
Dr. Louis A. Iozzi, Rutgers University

1987 Winner
Dr. Audrey Tomera, Southern Illinois University