CEE-Change Fellows 2023

Thirty smiling faces represent the 2023 CEE-Change Fellowship.

Learn about the ee360+ and the Cedar Tree Foundation 2023 CEE-Change Fellows—an inspiring cohort of educators committed to scaling up our impact as we work to create a more healthy and sustainable future.

NAAEE's latest initiative to support leadership and innovation in civics and environmental education across the country, CEE stands for Civics and Environmental Education. NAAEE recognizes the value in bringing together environmental and civic engagement educators to learn from each other and collaborate to scale up our impact as we work to create a more healthy and sustainable future. The 2023 Fellowship program included a special focus on climate change and education.

The twelve-month fellowship provided opportunities to learn, network, and share through online professional development, technical assistance, and face-to-face training. The fellowship also built a strong foundation for continued professional growth after the program ends. The twelve-month fellowship took place July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Fellows had the option to extend an additional six months (through December 2024), and received continued professional development, networking support, and scholarship funds to attend the annual NAAEE Conference virtually in 2023 and in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2024.

Join NAAEE in congratulating the 2023 class of CEE-Change Fellows, thirty educators and community leaders who are working around the world to address today’s complex environmental and social concerns at local, regional, and national levels.
Read the press release >


2023 CEE-Change Fellowship Leadership Clinic

CEE-Change, Together

In this blog series, the CEE-Change Fellows share how they implement their community action projects and work to strengthen environmental education and civic engagement capabilities, all supporting the mission of cleaner air, land, and water. 

Cedar Tree Foundation logo
Gray "ee" text followed closely by colorful blue-green-and orange gradient of "360." At the end is a gray plus sign.
epa logo stacked 2022
teal figure of North America in teal circle, naaee, North American Association for Environmental Education
CEE-Change fellows logo


The CEE-Change Fellowship Program is supported by generous funding from the Cedar Tree Foundation and ee360+, an ambitious multi-year initiative that supports a diverse cadre of environmental education leaders to increase environmental literacy for everyone, everywhere. NAAEE leads the initiative through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. EPA and partner organizations.


Questions? Contact: CEEchangeFellow@naaee.org

CEE-Change Home

2018 ee360 Community Fellow Archives 

CCC and T3 Fellow Archives

Meet the 2023 CEE-Change Fellows

A Person Presenting With The Text Climate Projected On The Screen Behind Them

Harrison Ashangwa (he/him)

Executive Director, International Student Environmental Coalition

Harrison is an environmental engineer, sustainability and climate leader, empowering and equipping young people with the tools, skills, support, and mentorship to be at the forefront of climate action and drivers of change in their respective communities, working towards a sustainable and just future of our planet.

CEE Change Fellow Vanessa Barela holding a small insect in her hands outside

Vanessa Barela (she/her)

Outdoor Learning Specialist, Environmental Education New Mexico (EENM)

Vanessa is an outdoor educator who works to promote equity for students by providing high-quality outdoor educational experiences. 

A person smiling sitting on a boulder in the middle of a field

Cedar Barg (they/them)

Youth Climate Program Manager, The Wild Center

Cedar helps youth and adults take climate action together by building intergenerational partnerships for change. 

CEE Change Fellow Margaret Beetstra smiling in a red shirt with trees in the background

Margaret (Maggie) Beetstra (she/her)

Senior Climate and Education Researcher, The Nurture Nature Center

Maggie is a social science researcher and educator engaging with communities about climate resilience and weather events to increase preparedness to natural hazards.

A portrait of Bridget Booth smiling at the camera

Bridget Booth (she/her)

8th Grade Science Teacher and Outdoor Classroom Coordinator, MAEOE Board Member and Past President, Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE)

Bridget is a middle school science teacher and certified environmental educator working towards integrating outdoor and climate education into public education curriculum through student-driven action and advocacy.

CEE Change Fellow Kim Botelho smiling at the camera

Kim Botelho (she/her)

Education Director, Westport River Watershed Alliance

Kim is a lifelong environmental educator with nearly 30 years of experience connecting people of all ages to the outdoors through art, gardening, adventure, and STEM programming.

A Person Smiling In A Blue Jacket With Yellow Trim On A Winter Day

Heather DeLagran (she/her)

Education Producer, National Film Board of Canada and the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University

Heather creates engaging and informative media and citizen science projects to empower teachers and students to take action for the ocean!

A person wearing a white blouse with a black leaf pattern smiling in front of a tree

Gloria Desanker (she/her)

Principal Consultant, Map Your Story

Gloria is passionate about sharing the power of GIS, data, and maps to tell stories that matter.

CEE Change Fellow Jaeydah Edwards next to a body of water with trees in the background

Jaeydah Edwards (she/her)

Citizen Science Program Director, Groundwork Ohio River Valley

Jaeydah empowers Cincinnati residents to get involved in citizen science projects, teaching them about environmental issues and how they can become advocates for their communities.

CEE Change Fellow Jeff Geist in a brown polo shirt smiling at the camera

Jeff Geist (he/him)

Manager of Community & Professional Education, Duke Farms

Jeff is an environmental educator who empowers professionals and practitioners to make changes in their work through hands-on, experiential, place-based learning. 

A person smiling for a picture in the outdoors

Danielle Hefferan (she/her)

Regional MN Education Coordinator, Climate Generation

Danielle is a naturalist, educator, and community member who strives to bring people together to co-create the future they want to see. 

Portrait of Ashley Hermann with pink, green and blue hair

Ashley Herrmann (she/her)

Associate Director of Education, Action for the Climate Emergency

Ashley Herrmann is an experienced climate educator empowering high school students in Tampa, Florida, to understand and act on climate solutions.

A person in a pink sweater holding a lizard

Courtni Holness (she/her)

Senior Policy Advisor, Carbon180

Courtni is committed to centering environmental and climate justice principles at the foundation of carbon removal development and deployment.

A Person In A Light Blue Collared Shirt Smiling At The Camera with a Black, White, and Blue Background

Holly Hummel (she/her)

Community Coordinator, The School For Field Studies

Holly is a community coordinator working to ensure study abroad students’ learning and research are community-focused and community driven. 

CEE change Fellow Aneesa Jamal wearing a black and white scarf

Aneesa Jamal (she/her)

PhD Student, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Founder, Cogitation Club Partner, Youth Conservation Action Network (YouCAN)

Aneesa mentors children to write and publish storybooks about climate change and climate justice, empowering them to raise and amplify their voices for a global audience.

A person with a blue and white scarf wrapped around their neck

Deepika Joon (she/her)

Research Associate, Institute for Sustainable Development and Learning, Leuphana University

Deepika is a youth advocate and a sustainability education researcher working and learning with young people in schools and universities to amplify their voices on climate action and justice.

CEE Change Fellow Mariam Kabamba holding a sign in French that says, "The tree is the best weapon against climate change"

Mariam Kabamba (she/her)

National Coordinator, Congo Environnement et Nature

Mariam empowers children and young leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to contribute to the protection of our planet, creating green economic opportunities and amplifying youth voices in climate education.

A person outside wearing glasses and a burgundy sweater with a tall building in the background

Evan Kuras (he/him)

Evaluation Consultant, MXM Research Group; Board Member, Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES)

Evan aims to change oppressive systems by supporting efforts to shift power and connect us with each other and our planet.

A person smiling and standing in water with a rock face in the background containing red hues

Hamza Malik (he/him)

Teaching and Research Fellow, Lloyd Center for the Environment; Board Member, Massachusetts Environmental Education Society

Hamza is a science education researcher who supports students and teachers to better understand the nexus of in-school and out-of-school learning places (i.e., Nature Centers).

CEE Change Joy Hayley Munthali wearing a black polo with the Green Girls Platform logo smiling with her arms crossed

Joy Hayley Munthali (she/her)

Executive Director, Green Girls Platform

About Joy Hayley Munthali

Joy Hayley Munthali is a passionate environmental educator and the founder and current executive director of Green Girls Platform, a female-led initiative that works to address the violence that girls and women face due to climate change in Malawi. Green Girls Platform is also the co-founder of We Trust You(th), a global initiative set up to challenge and support youth-focused donors and NGOs to partner with and fund young people more intentionally and equitably. Joy is also an advisor for the Global Resilience Fund.

Joy enjoys voluntary work and working with youth, especially girls and young women, to ensure that their rights in relation to climate change are fully realized. This is what inspired her zeal to set up a platform for girls and young women to combat climate change in Malawi.…

Caroline Nickerson in a black dress pointing at a whiteboard

Caroline Nickerson (she/her)

Executive Director, Florida Community Innovation; Advisor, SciStarter; PhD Student, University of Florida

Caroline champions citizen science, public service, and civic technology to people of all ages, all around the world, through educational, nonprofit, and academic efforts.

A closeup of Alma Alicia Padilla holding a baby in a red wrap while at an outdoor Earth Day event

Alma A. Padilla (she/her/ella)

Volunteer Member, Ossining100

Alma bridges conservation science and education to demystify environmental topics to diverse audiences and to encourage active stewardship and lifelong love for nature.

A person smiling with long black hair wearing glasses and a red jacket

Gitanjali Paul (she/her)

Education Program Manager, Compass Education

Gitanjali is a learning designer and facilitator empowering organizations and individuals to educate for a more sustainable, just world. 

CEE Change Fellow Jenna Potter from Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

Jenna Potter (she/her)

Environmental Leadership and Awards Programme Manager, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

About Jenna Potter

Jenna Potter works as the Environmental Leadership and Awards Programme Manager for the 30 Under 30 Northern Ireland Climate Change Makers Programme at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. This independent charity is dedicated to creating a cleaner, greener and more sustainable Northern Ireland. Jenna’s mission is to educate and inspire local action to create global environmental change. She is excited to meet other like minded people to share ideas and knowledge.

Outside of work Jenna loves to travel and is always looking forward to her next adventure! Jenna loves spending time with family, her rescue dog Flora and friends, paddleboarding, hiking, and being outdoors in nature.

Jenna’s Community Action Project (CAP)

Jenna’s community action plan strives to further the work of the Northern Ireland 30…

A woman in a gray blazer smiling at a camera

Catherine Price (she/her)

Senior Program Manager, Cumberland River Compact

Catherine connects the community to nature and the value of clean and abundant water to help build a more climate-resilient future. 

CEE Change Fellow James Nathaniel Refugio in a white shirt with black stripes

James Nathaniel Refugio (he/him)

Founder, Act Now For Ranow Movement

James creates youth leadership and empowerment opportunities around the world to claim their spaces in sustainable development through social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and economic governance.

CEE Change Fellow Katie Russell hugging a donkey

Katie Russell (she/her)

Communications Coordinator, Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition

Katie Russell works with Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition’s CoastWatch in the schools to help students learn about and care for the Oregon Coast.

CEE Change Fellow Sarada Sangameswaran kneeling next to a garden with two rabbit statues

Sarada Sangameswaran (she/her)

Director of School Programs, Communitopia

Sarada works with students and teachers to explore the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on nature and human communities and the solutions we can all harness for a brighter future. 

CEE Change Fellow Patricia Tolly wearing a green t-shirt

Patricia Tolly (she/her)

6th Grade Teacher, Central Woodlands-Forest Hills Public Schools

Patty nurtures tomorrow’s stewards by educating young people with the skills and knowledge they need to create a sustainable future.

CEE Change Fellow Richard Tusabe holding plants in a green field

Tusabe Richard ( he/him)

MSc Student, Makerere University

Richard is an environmental enthusiast advocating for an empowered, youthful generation for a greener planet. He endeavors to establish all-inclusive, engaging, and passion-fueled platforms for environmental learning to amplify the green actions of children and youth as caretakers of Mother Nature.