Press Room

Check out articles about NAAEE, Natural Start Alliance, the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP), and the great work our Affiliates, grantees, fellows, and partners are doing in the environmental education field, as well as articles about the importance and impact of the field to address climate change and social justice issues and more.


Graphic that says "2024 Youth Innovation Challenge Winners & Finalists" with headshots of winners in bubbles, and a blue-green wave theme.

Taiwan OCA and NAAEE Announce Winners for the 2024 Youth Innovation Challenge!

Taiwan OCA and NAAEE announce the 2024 Youth Innovation Challenge Winners and Finalists. Three winners will receive a $1000 USD prize for their solution, and one member from each winning team will attend the International Conference on Marine Debris, hosted by Taiwan OCA in Taipei from September 23–26, 2024. Open to youth ages 15-30 worldwide, the YIC seeks innovative solutions to protect marine resources. 


"EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2024" NAAEE, GEEP, ee30 Under 30 logos; faces of awardees in a hive pattern

Press Release: Meet 30 Inspiring Young Environmental Educators Shaping Tomorrow

NAAEE announces its ninth class of innovative leaders under age 30 who are using environmental education (EE) to build more just and sustainable communities around the world. The 30 awardees in the EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2024 range in age from 21 to 30, hail from 19 countries, and work with a wide range of audiences to tackle complex environmental and social issues in their communities.


Group photo of eeBLUE Young Changemakers Fellowship with the eeBLUE and YCF logos on the bottom

Press Release: 15 High School Students Selected to Champion Environmental Issues in Their Communities

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) proudly announces the second class of eeBLUE Young Changemakers Fellows, who will engage in a year-long opportunity to make a difference for the ocean and environment. The eeBLUE Young Changemakers Fellowship supports the goals of the broader eeBLUE partnership, an agreement between the NAAEE and NOAA's Office of Education aiming to increase environmental and scientific literacy to build more resilient communities nationwide.


Blue graphic with transparent watercolor coral framing the sides with text that says, "eeBLUE 21st CCLC Watershed STEM Education Partnerships Program and eeBLUE Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grants Program"

Press Release: eeBLUE Celebrates 21 New Grantees Working Across the United States to Create More Resilient Communities and a Healthy Ocean

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is excited to announce two new cohorts of grantees as part of its eeBLUE partnership aimed at furthering environmental and science literacy to build more resilient communities nationwide. These grants are part of eeBLUE, a partnership program that supports the mutual environmental education goals of NOAA and NAAEE.


2024 Youth Innovation Challenge

Press release: The 2024 Youth Innovation Challenge Is Now Open for Submissions—Chance to Win $1,000 and Travel to Taiwan!

Taiwan OCA and NAAEE have opened submissions for the 2024 Youth Innovation Challenge: Advancing Marine Conservation! This Challenge provides an opportunity for young leaders between the ages 15–30 to share their innovative solutions to protect marine resources and support people of all ages to be engaged stewards for marine conservation. The YIC seeks solutions that are innovative, feasible, and informed by research. Winning solutions will receive global recognition and a $1,000 USD prize and be invited to attend the YIC award ceremony at the Taiwan Ocean Conservation Administration’s marine debris conference in Taiwan in September 2024 (all travel expenses covered)! 


Light blue graphic with illustrations of two blue benches, flowers and leaves in the center. Bold, blue text in the middle states, "Stop. Smell. Learn." The Outside for 5 badge is displayed at the top right corner.

Press Release: "Outside for 5" Campaign Urges Educators to Embrace Outdoor Learning

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Affiliate Network has relaunched a pledge campaign called Outside for 5 encouraging teachers, administrators, nonformal educators, youth development leaders, and parents in the United States to engage students and children in outdoor learning for at least five minutes a day, five days a week, or any meaningful amount of time.


Photos of students playing outside.

Press Release: Students Access the Outdoors Through NHEE’d to Get Outside Grants

The New Hampshire Environmental Educators awarded over $30,000 in NHEE’d to Get Outside grants to 23 schools and organizations for 2024. Schools and nonprofits receive this funding to help their students access the outdoors, whether it is for admission and transportation for field trips to nature spaces, snowshoes for winter exploration, or science tools for outdoor learning.  


NHEE and NH Charitable Foundation logos, pictures of kids and adults in outdoor settings, "NHCF grant supports NHEE's efforts to expand environmental education across New Hampshire!"

Press Release: New Hampshire Environmental Educators Receive a $15,000 Grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

New Hampshire Environmental Educators (NHEE) receives a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to strengthen the organization's capacity to continue their work towards a New Hampshire where all people value and feel connected to our natural spaces, are environmentally literate, and act as social and environmental stewards in their communities.


Blue background with a white rectangle and the eeBLUE, NAAEE, and NOAA logos on top. On the bottom are four people, the first holding up a photo of kelp, the second is holding a cardboard shorebird, the third is holding up an instrument, and the fourth is smiling

Press Release: NAAEE and NOAA Extend Transformative eeBLUE Partnership

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are embarking on another groundbreaking five-year eeBLUE partnership aimed at furthering environmental and science literacy to build more resilient communities nationwide. 


"Warm Wishes" NAAEE logo, owl on snowy background, green ribbons

A Message from NAAEE's Executive Director Judy Braus, December 2023

Read a message from Judy Braus as we wrap up 2023 and reflect on all that we have accomplished together.


2023 GEEP Youth Innovation Challenge Winners and Finalists

Press Release: Taiwan OCA and NAAEE Announce Winners of 2023 “Youth Innovation Challenge: Saving Our Seas!”

Taiwan OCA and NAAEE announce the winners of the 2023 GEEP Youth Innovation Challenge: Saving Our Seas! The 2023 Youth Innovation Challenge provides an opportunity for young innovators and leaders between the ages 15–30 to share their innovative solutions to protect marine resources and support people of all ages to be engaged stewards for marine conservation. Chosen from 15 finalists, each winner receives a prize of $1,000 for their proposed solutions to address marine issues, including conservation, biodiversity, and marine debris.


Some 250 local girls enjoyed Girls in Aviation Day Long Beach during the WAI2023 conference at the Long Beach Convention Center. Photo by: Andrew Zaback

Press Release: Environmental STEM Educators Awarded $250,000 by Pratt & Whitney and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)

NAAEE and Pratt & Whitney today announced the winners of the second annual Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Awards. Fifteen nonprofit organizations in 12 countries were awarded grants totaling $250,000. Each organization demonstrated a remarkable commitment to advancing education programs focused on building science, technology, engineering, and math skills through environmental problem solving (E-STEM) for students ages 11–22.


30 faces on a black background with green bubble and grid graphics, CEE-Change, ee360+, NAAEE, U.S. EPA, Cedar Tree Foundation logos

30 Environmental and Civics Education Leaders to Inspire Climate Action in Their Communities

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is pleased to announce its new class of CEE-Change Fellows, thirty educators and community leaders who are working around the world to address today’s complex environmental and social concerns at local, regional, and national levels. This Fellowship is supported through ee360+, with additional funding from Cedar Tree Foundation.


NAAEE EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2023, faces of 30 young people in beehive grid

31 Bold Environmental Educators Named 2023 EE 30 Under 30

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) announces its eighth class of innovative leaders under age 30 who are using environmental education (EE) to build more just and sustainable communities around the world. The 31 awardees in this year’s EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2023 range in age from 17 to 30, hail from 20 countries, and are working with a wide range of audiences to tackle complex environmental and social issues in their communities.


Two children walking in the woods, hopping over a log. Bluebells cover the forest floor.

"Nature Preschools: Is Putting an Emphasis on Outdoors Play The Key To Early Education?", with Chief Adventurer, Bear Grylls, features the Natural Start Alliance in "Nature Preschools: Is Putting an Emphasis on Outdoors Play The Key To Early Education?".


Higher education institution building in background, with overlay of images including a sunflower, feet dangling off a wall, and a city park scape.

New Release! Benchmarking Climate Change in Higher Ed Policies to Inform Education and Action

Mapping the Landscape of Climate Change in Higher Education Policy in the United States is a new comprehensive report from the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) and the Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) Project on the state of climate change policies in universities and colleges across the country.


A group of youth stand in an classroom

Press Release: NOAA Expands Efforts to Uplift Youth Voices

NOAA empowers youth voices, expanding initiatives for environmental stewardship and conservation through the eeBLUE Young Changemakers Fellowship. YCF supports the goals of the broader eeBLUE partnership, a five-year agreement between NAAEE and NOAA's Office of Education that aims to increase environmental and scientific literacy.


U.S. Capitol Dome standing above green bushes and pink and yellow flowers.

"Bill seeks to teach kids the ‘power of the outdoors’"

In this article, journalist Mike Magner interviews NAAEE's Sarah Bodor about the importance of No Child Left Inside (NCLI), bipartisan legislation aiming to expand environmental literacy in children across the United States. Check out the article in CQ and Roll Call.


Four young students from South Mountain Nature School sit on a log.

Press Release: Nature Preschools Continue Rapid Expansion Across United States

Nature preschools are expanding across the United States and spending more time outdoors, but racial and ethnic disparities in children and educators participating in nature preschools persist. Read the latest report, Nature Preschools in the United States: 2022 Survey, from the Natural Start Alliance.


Preschool aged children outside lined up horizontally, jumping and laughing

"Preschool alfresco: More states moving to expand access to outdoor learning"

Journalist Jackie Mader (@jackiemader on Twitter) writes about the growth and benefits of outdoor preschools in the United States and highlights a forthcoming report on the topic by the Natural Start Alliance, in The Hechinger Report and Washington Post.


teacher stands in front of high school students, is blurred out

"Most teachers support teaching students about climate change, survey finds"

"Most teachers support teaching students about climate change, survey finds, but many feel unprepared to teach the topic, and they worry about pushback from parents." NAAEE's Executive Director Judy Braus speaks with Ethan Freedman, of ChavoBart Digital Media, for Yale Climate Connections.


"Education Challenge Launch Webinar, Education for Generation Restoration, May 22, 2023, 3–4 PM CEST," FEE, NAAEE, UNESCO, tow young kids planting in a garden

Global Collaboration for Ecosystem Restoration: Education Challenge Aims to Embed Ecosystem Restoration into Educational Systems Worldwide

This education challenge is being launched on May 22, 2023, the International Day for Biological Diversity. This online event will present the Education Challenge objectives with an opportunity to start a dialogue process to learn from existing good practices and explore collaboration opportunities for the Challenge to be effective. 


Northern Ireland 30 Under 30 posing for group photo in front of building

Press Release: Ruairi Brogan to Represent NI at Stateside Conference as Inaugural '30 Under 30 Climate Change-Makers' Present Their Climate Solutions

Northern Ireland’s inaugural 30 Under 30 Climate Change-Makers have completed their workshops with Ruairi Brogan, policy officer for sustainable agriculture at RSPB NI from Belfast, selected by class peers to represent Northern Ireland at the North American Association for Environmental Education Conference 2023.


child and adult in boots standing on tree stump

Young Kids Learn the Realities of Climate Change in Forest Schools

In nature pre-schools, students spend much of their days outdoors. That could better prepare them for the future. Read "Young kids learn the realities of climate change in forest schools," by Zayna Syed and published in Popular Science. This article features a quote by Natural Start's Emily Van Laan.


illustration of news with magnifying glass and green leaves

Take It Outside: Sarbanes, Reed, Collins Introduce No Child Left Inside Act to Help More Students Get Outdoors and Grow

Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Md.) and Senators Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) introduced legislation to bring locally developed, high-quality environmental education programs to more schools nationwide by authorizing federal assistance to states to develop and implement environmental literacy plans.


Young students holding chalk sit around a table with sustainability symbols drawn on it.

"Students Have Climate Anxiety. Here’s What Educators Need to Be Able to Help Them"

Teachers and administrators want to help prepare students for a changing world. Three important steps can get them started. Read a recent op-ed by Judy Braus, NAAEE executive director, and Maya Morales Garcia, chief program officer at Beyond100K, posted in Education Week on April 12, 2023.


collage of photos of young people outside, Outside for 5 logo, "Nurture a new way to learn."

Educators Across the Nation Are Invited to Go Outside for 5

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Affiliate Network has launched a pledge campaign called Outside for 5 encouraging teachers and educators to engage in outdoor learning for at least five minutes a day, five days a week, or any meaningful amount of time.


Edge Research, NAAEE Logos on blue graphic background, "The State of Climate Change Education: Findings from a National Survey of Educators, October 2022"

Schools Aren’t Ready for the Climate Crisis. A New Report Lays Out How to Change That

Author: Caitlynn Peetz, Media Outlet: EdWeek
"Recent surveys—both from the EdWeek Research Center and the North American Association for Environmental Education—have shown that teachers want to teach about climate change but don’t feel equipped to do so, even as students are bringing up the topic on their own."


2023 EE 30 Under 30 Call for Nominations

EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2023 Call for Nominations Now Open!

Applications are due March 6. NAAEE is seeking 30 young changemakers who are using EE to shape a sustainable and equitable future. Please share your nomination for leaders from any country, sector, or discipline. Help us recognize the inspiring work of young people across the globe!


"Season's Greetings from NAAEE (logo)" on snow blue background with fox and rabbit watercolor

A Message from NAAEE's Executive Director Judy Braus, December 2022

As we close out 2022, NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus shares gratitude and reflections on the year.


Professors Bob Powell and Marc Stern receive the Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Education Research Award from Executive Director Judy Braus at the 2022 NAAEE Annual Research Symposium in Tucson, Arizona.

Professors from Clemson University and Virginia Tech Recognized for Contributions to Environmental Education Research

NAAEE is pleased to honor Professors Robert (Bob) Powell of Clemson University and Marc Stern of Virginia Tech with the 2022 Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Education Research Award, presented at NAAEE’s 51st Annual Research Symposium in Tucson, Arizona.


2022 Youth Innovation Challenge Winners

Taiwan OCA and NAAEE Announce Winners of 2022 "Youth Innovation Challenge: Tackling Marine Debris"

The Taiwan Ocean Conservation Administration (OCA), in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) through the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP), called on young people aged 15–30 from countries around the world to share fresh ideas to tackle marine debris.


Judy November 2022 thank you letter header desert sunset "Thank you for all you do."

A Message from NAAEE's Executive Director Judy Braus, November 2022

Executive Director Judy Braus reflects on NAAEE's 51st annual International Conference and how good it was to see people in person for the first time in three years—with colleagues joining us from more than 40 countries.


Pratt and Whitney E-STEM awards; images of students working on science projects

NAAEE and Pratt & Whitney Announce Inaugural Winners of Global E-STEM Awards Supporting Environmental Education Youth Programs

Pratt & Whitney and NAAEE today recognize 12 nonprofit organizations in 10 countries as winners of the first-ever Pratt & Whitney Global E-STEM Awards. The grants bestowed total $250,000 USD.


NAAEE Tucson 2022 promo, "Educating for Change", desert photo with hummingbird illustration

NAAEE Hosts More Than 800 Environmental Educators for 51st Annual Conference in Tucson, Arizona

NAAEE will host its 51st Annual Conference from October 12–15, 2022 at the Westin La Paloma Resort in Tucson, Arizona. Virtual options are available as well. 


NAAEE Tucson 2022 promo, "Educating for Change", desert photo with hummingbird illustration

A Message from NAAEE's Executive Director Judy Braus, September 2022

Judy Braus, NAAEE's Executive Director, shares her excitement for connecting in person and online this October at our 2022 annual conference and research symposium in Tucson, Arizona. Read her summer letter.


blue, green, yellow vector illustration of kids with kite running outside,

Press Release: Educators Across the Nation Are Invited to Go Outside for 5

The NAAEE Affiliate Network has launched Outside for 5, a pledge campaign encouraging educators across the country to engage in outdoor learning for at least five minutes a day, five days a week.


dog with glasses reading newspaper on a green park bench next to mug with footprints on it

Kids need to learn about climate in every classroom, every subject

Author: Kimi Waite, NAAEE CEE-Change Fellow; Media Outlet: Grist


ee 30 Under 30 logo and faces of 30 young ee leaders on geometric multicolor background

Press Release: Young Environmental Educators Named 2022 EE 30 Under 30

NAAEE is pleased to announce its 2022 EE 30 Under 30 Awardees, ages 15 to 30 and from 19 countries. Join us in congratulating these phenomenal young leaders working to build sustainable and equitable communities around the world.


New Report Reveals Opportunity for States to Drive Climate Action Through Education

"Mapping the Landscape of K–12 Climate Change Education Policy in the United States" is a new comprehensive report from NAAEE and the MECCE Project on the state of climate change education policy. 


2022 Youth Innovation Challenge, blue and grey turtle illustration

Youth Innovation Challenge! - Taiwan OCA Calls for Fresh Ideas for Tackling Marine Debris for Total $3,000 USD Prize

In celebration of World Oceans Day this week, the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) is excited to announce the launch of the 2022 Youth Innovation Challenge (YIC): Tackling Marine Debris. 


California AEOE logo, green with leafy tree,

Press Release: AEOE Announces Save California Salmon as 2022 Environmental Education Organization of the Year

AEOE, in partnership with Ten Strands and the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI), is pleased to offer the 2022 Environmental Education Organization of the Year Award to Save California Salmon. 


four students wearing masks working on computers in a group in a classroom

"Central Falls students named national winners in Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest"

Samsung partnered with NAAEE to present the students with the award and a $10,000 prize package for their sustainability project. Read about the prize winners, Central Falls High School students, who were recognized for their work envisioning ways to transform abandoned areas into sustainable green space within the city.


Message from the NAAEE Executive Director, April 2022

To get inspired and focus creatively on our work, we hope you can join with us to learn, share, and network at one or both of our annual conferences. 


Samsung Solve for Tomorrow National Winners Tackle Food Waste, Crowd Stampedes and Bus Driver Shortages

Samsung partnered with the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) for the first Solve for Tomorrow Sustainability Innovation award, furthering Samsung’s commitment to sustainability. Learn about the winner.


Pratt & Whintey Dependable Engines logo with eagle on blue background, NAAEE logo, image of two female students working on robotics in lab, image of students planting young trees

Pratt & Whitney and NAAEE Announce $250,000 in Global Environmental Education Funding

Pratt & Whitney and NAAEE are excited to announce the Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Awards. The awards will grant a total of $250,000 USD to support innovative E-STEM education programs around the world.


A Message from Executive Director Judy Braus, December 2021

Judy Braus, NAAEE's Executive Director, reflects on how EE is a source of "collective effervescence" and what our collective efforts have sparked in 2021. Read her end-of-year letter.


Samsung Extends Deadline for Teachers to Apply for $2 Million Solve for Tomorrow Contest

Samsung has extended the deadline for 6–12th grade teachers to apply for the Solve for Tomorrow Contest. Teachers have two weeks left to apply to win technology and classroom supplies using STEM learning to address local issues in a sustainable way. Applications are now due November 15.


Class of 2021, ee30 Under 30 logo, NAAEE logo, faces of 30 young ee leaders on orange background with purple leaf outline

Press Release: Thirty Young Visionaries Recognized by Global Award in Environmental Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education announces its 2021 EE 30 Under 30 Awardees.


Briana Warner, President/CEO of Atlantic Sea Farms, holds up kelp from a farm in Maine; Oyster harvest on a sustainable North Carolina shellfish farm. Cindy Sandoval/NOAA Fisheries; Oyster farmers return cages to the waters off of Nantucket, MA. Brianna Shaughnessy/NOAA.

Press Release: NOAA and NAAEE Award First-of-Their-Kind Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grants to Foster Outreach and Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is excited to award $150K to 10 projects that aim to enhance aquaculture literacy.


thirty faces of CEE-Change Fellows, Meet the 2021 Fellows, CEE Change and NAAEE logos

Press Release: 30 Environmental and Civics Education Leaders to Inspire Action in Their Communities

NAAEE is pleased to announce its new class of CEE-Change Fellows, thirty educators and community leaders using environmental education and civics education to address today’s complex environmental and social concerns at local, regional, and national levels.


NAAEE Celebrates 50 Years!

We’re excited to celebrate NAAEE's 50th Anniversary with you and to use it as a time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going, and to announce that the Call for Presentations for our annual conference and research symposium is now open.


Faces of young EE 2021 Changemakers and ee 30 Under 30 logo

Press Release: Twelve Young Environmental Educators from Eight Countries Recognized for Their Innovative Work to Fight Climate Change

NAAEE is pleased to announce its second class of EE 30 Under 30 Changemakers. Twelve leaders from eight countries will receive small grants, professional development, and a community of support to boost their impact, as they implement environmental education projects that build low-carbon economies, create resilient communities, and protect and restore ecosystems.


Faces of Karyl Askew, Dawn Chavez, Diego Roman, Karie Ross, and Mandarin Sud with copy

Press Release: Five New Board Members Join NAAEE to Advance Environmental Education and Civic Engagement for a More Just and Sustainable Future

NAAEE is excited to announce that five new members have joined our board of directors. Our board members play a critical role in our work to use the power of education to help individuals and communities build healthier and more sustainable communities.


watercolor of birds flying in front of sun

Message from the NAAEE Executive Director, December 2020

Judy Braus, NAAEE's Executive Director, asked colleagues to share takeaways from this year that they want to carry into 2021. Read her latest letter to hear what they had to say.


Message from NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus, November 2020

Read a holiday note from Judy Braus, NAAEE Executive Director.


Dr. Ibram X. Kendi to Join Global Environmental Education Professionals to Inspire Change and Address Racism

Dr. Ibram Kendi, author of "How to Be an Antiracist" and one of America’s foremost historians, will kick off an exceptional lineup of conference keynote speakers focusing on addressing racism and promoting civic engagement at NAAEE's 49th Annual Conference.


Leading Environmental Education Organization Recognizes 30 Young Trailblazers with a Global Award

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is proud to announce its fifth class of 30 leaders under age 30 who are using environmental education to build sustainable and equitable communities around the world.


playground in front of school building

450+ Signatures Collected on Letter to Congressional Leaders Asking for Funding Towards Improved Outdoor School Spaces

Over 450 Environmental and Outdoor Education Organizations appeal to members of Congress to support more effective use of nature and outdoor spaces for school districts in reopening.


two young boys smiling

Nature-Based Preschools Continue Impressive Growth Across the US

The Natural Start Alliance is proud to release new research that documents the continued expansion of nature preschools in the United States. Three years after our last report, the number of nature preschools in the United States has more than doubled to an estimated 585 programs, or a 25-fold increase over the past decade.


NAAEE Releases Guidance for School Reopening: How Environmental Educators and Learning Outdoors Can Help!

The NAAEE Affiliate Network released eeGUIDANCE for Reopening Schools, a new publication that offers support for schools and districts as they find ways to safely and equitably reopen for students this fall. 


girl sits on grass by water writing in notebook

Diving into eeBLUE: NAAEE Partners with NOAA to Offer Watershed STEM Education Grants

NAAEE, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and supported by the US Department of Education, is excited to award $2.35 million to 29 environmental education organizations that will partner with NOAA to provide enriching after school watershed-related STEM projects.


Educator Stephen Ritz and the Green Bronx Machine, New York

Climate, COVID-19, and Education: Building a Nation of Problem Solvers

NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus explores the parallels and intersections of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change and highlights the importance of environmental education in addressing both challenges in this essay, originally published by the National Council for Science and the Environment.


Earth Day Note From NAAEE’S Board Chair

NAAEE Board Chair, Charlotte Clark expresses gratitude to volunteers, leaders, and members for the ways they are honoring the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.


Thirteen Environmental Educators From Eight Countries Selected as EE 30 Under 30 Changemaker Grantees

NAAEE has announced its first class of EE 30 Under 30 Changemaker grantees. Thirteen leaders from eight countries will receive small grants and technical support to implement environmental education projects that build low-carbon economies, create resilient communities, and protect and restore ecosystems.


Environmental Education Research Bulletins Issues 13 & 14 Now Online!

The latest Environmental Education Research Bulletins are now available on our website. The research bulletins synthesize and summarize research from journals focused on issues pertaining to environmental educators. They are part of our work for our ee360 initiative, which is designed to link research and practice for everyone working in environmental education.


Conference Press Release

September 2019 Press Release--Share with your networks!


Lexington Mayor Declares October 14-19 "Environmental Education Week"

Read this Kentucky Association for Environmental Education blog about Lexington mayor, Linda Gorton's declaration of Environmental Education Week during the NAAEE conference.


Thirty Environmental Educators from 16 Countries Recognized as EE 30 Under 30

Winners were selected from a pool of 175 nominees from dozens of countries


Over 1,000 Environmental Education Leaders Convening in Kentucky

The largest environmental education conference in North America will focus on educating for a just and sustainable future.


Environmental Education Week Kicks off with EE 30 Under 30 Launch

Nominations are now open for the 2019 EE 30 Under 30 program, which recognizes 30 leaders under 30 years old from across the globe who are using environmental education to build a sustainable future. Launched on Earth Day, April 22, by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), the call for entries is open until June 3, 2019. Apply or nominate at


Education Dive: Philadelphia schools adopt outdoor education as a graduation strategy

This Education Dive article reports on schools in Philadelphia that are implementing outdoor education to help boost graduation rates. The article references NAAEE’s educational tools, certification, public policy initiatives, and eeWORKS — with specific reference to Stanford’s research synthesis on environmental education outcomes for K-12 students.


National Teachers Group Confronts Climate Denial: Keep the Politics Out of Science Class

NAAEE is mentioned, and Executive Director Judy Braus is quoted in this article about the release of the National Science Teachers Association's newly released Position Statement on "The Teaching of Climate Science". Braus was part of the team that helped draft the NSTA position statement.


National Environmental Education Training Program ‘ee360’ Announces Community Environmental Education Fellows

Thirty-two outstanding Fellows from around the world have been selected by NAAEE in cooperation with U.S. EPA to help address community environmental and social issues around the world. 


Thirty Young Change-makers Recognized as Global “30 Under 30” by Leading Environmental Education Association

Our 2018 EE 30 Under 30 honorees are champions of energy, water, climate resilience, the Arctic, environmental health issues, and more. They work in 5 continents, 11 countries, and 10 U.S. states/territories, through a variety of approaches including journalism, music, and gardening. Learn more and connect on eePRO and join us at the NAAEE conference to hear from several of this year's honorees.



UL and North American Association for Environmental Education Announce 2018 Innovative Education Award Winners

Today, Underwriters Laboratories and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) announced the winners of the UL Innovative Education Award for 2018. This year's winners are Techbridge Girls, Ocean Discovery Institute, Sweet Water Foundation, the ‘Alalā Reintroduction Community Inquiry Program at San Diego Zoo Global Wildlife Conservancy, and Groundswell Michigan. The ESTEM partnership program donates its millionth dollar since launching in 2014.


Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 11

We're delighted to announce the latest Environmental Education Research Bulletin, which is a collaborative project of ChangeScale, NAAEE (ee360), and Dr. Nicole Ardoin at Stanford University. The Research Bulletins synthesize and summarize research from journals on issues pertaining to environmental educators. The bulletins include articles related to environmental education evaluation, sense of place, environmental behavior, teaching practices, and professional development, among other relevant topics.


Call for Excellence in EE Awards Nominations

Deadline: August 3 - NAAEE is proud of the many accomplishments of our members and partner organizations. Each year, we present a variety of awards at our annual conference to highlight outstanding achievements in environmental education. Is there someone you’d like to recognize? Nominate today!


Young children examining plant with adult woman

Introducing eeRESEARCH

New eeRESEARCH library offers free access to one of world’s largest collections of environmental education and nature connection research

Note from the Executive Director March 2018

March 2018 note to members from Judy Braus, Executive Director.


Cover of Nature Preschools National Survey Report

Nature Preschools, Kindergartens At Record Numbers In The U.S.

The Natural Start Alliance, a project of the North American Association of Environmental Education, along with Eastern Region Association of Forest & Nature Schools, Northern Illinois Nature Preschool Association, and Washington Nature Preschool Association conducted a survey in summer 2017 that identified 250+ nature preschools & kindergartens across the country, showing a 66% increase since the previous year.

Message from the Executive Director, October 2017

Judy Braus updates NAAEE members on the Together for Puerto Rico donation campaign, the Virtual Conference, and more.

Update on Hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico

Our thoughts are with the people of the Caribbean and US in the path of Hurricane Irma. We continue to be in touch with our conference co-hosts, Para La Naturaleza, and our colleagues at the Hilton Caribe. At this point, the NAAEE Annual Conference and Research Symposium will go on as planned. We are already looking at how we can help support our friends and partners before, during, and after the conference.


Chicago Nonprofit Wins $100K UL Innovative Education Award Grand Prize

Learn about the five winning organizations selected for 2017's UL Innovative Education Award!


2017 Columbia Sportswear Scholarship recipients profiled by Paterson Press

The recipients of 2017's NAAEE & Columbia Sportswear Scholarship, teacher Nakeia Wimberly, and administrator, Sarah Sterling-Laldee, are profiled in their local news outlet, the Paterson Press.


Photo via Shutterstock

Note from the Executive Director: March 22, 2017

Read a note from NAAEE Executive Director, Judy Braus, on what every person can do right now to help support the field of environmental education in the current contentious political climate.


Note from the Executive Director, December 2016

Judy Braus sends a holiday message of hope to NAAEE members, friends, and supporters.


Note from the Executive Director, November 2016

Message to NAAEE members from Judy Braus.


Connecting Children to Nature: Executive Summary of Findings from a Survey of Environmental Educators

NAAEE has partnered with the Children and Nature Network, researchers at the University of Minnesota, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to launch the Science of Nature-Based Learning Collaborative Research Network. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Network seeks to synthesize the existing research and conduct exploratory studies on what approaches to nature-based learning work, for whom, how, and under what circumstances. 


Photo by Gerry Ellis

California Water Service Launches Third Annual Classroom Competition on Water Conservation

Cal Water H2O Challenge, in collaboration with the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), builds on ongoing statewide efforts to conserve water in California.


Environmental leaders launch Superintendents' Environmental Education Collaborative to increase academic performance, create real-world learning experiences & prepare students for 21st century workforce

Environmental leaders announce the creation of a national Superintendents' Environmental Education Collaborative, supported by Upstream Alliance, NAAEE, and Project Learning Tree. The Collaborative will help school districts learn information regarding grant opportunities created by the Every Student Succeeds Act, best practices for creating EE models, and successful implementation stories.


Join Technology and EE Online Meeting

October 5, 4:00 PM PDT--Join this online meeting to discuss ways the group can help and support one another as people interested in EE and technology.


UL Innovative Education Award Program Announces 2016 Winners

In collaboration with North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), the UL Innovative Education Award program champions excellence and innovation in youth programming that uses the environment as pathway to STEM learning. The winners of the program's second year have been announced.


What if every kid got to go to summer camp … during the school year? Oregon could be the first state to fund “outdoor school” for all

Our director of policy, Sarah Bodor, is quoted in this article from the Hechinger Report on Oregon's plans for outdoor education as part of the traditional K-12 school curriculum.


NAAEE Announces Distinguished Nationally Known Slate of Five New Members for Newly Expanded Board

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) expands board by five members to strengthen and expand the movement and profession. The new board includes the first-ever chief diversity officer and vice president for Walgreen’s, a former Sierra Club president, a former mayor who consults nationally on governance strategies for cities and public service utilities, a leading Duke University educator in campus sustainability, and a science-tech entrepreneur and CEO.


Message from Board Chair

April 15, 2016--Pepe Marcos-Iga writes to NAAEE members about the new Advisory Council and changes to NAAEE Board.


National Environmental Education Week

NEEF’s 12th annual National Environmental Education Week (EE Week), taking place April 17-23, 2016, and sponsored by Samsung, is the nation’s largest celebration of environmental education (EE).


CalWater H2O Challenge Winner 2016

April 8, 2016--California Water Service announces grand-prize winners of 2016 CalWater H2O Challenge.


Message from the Executive Director March 21, 2016

Judy Braus letter to NAAEE members March 21, 2016.


The S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Local Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

S.C.R.A.P. Gallery Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization (Local Level)

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery - The Art Museum for the Environment, which serves art students in Coachella Valley and Riverside County, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, S.C.R.A.P. Gallery received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Local Level.


Toyota Motor Manufacturing Awards Grant for Environmental Scholarship

Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Kentucky (TMMK) has awarded a grant of nearly $10,000 to the Kentucky Environmental Education Council (KEEC) for the 2016-17 Professional Environmental Educator Certification course.


Nature or nurture? Outdoor preschools combine the best of both

Christy Merrick, Director of Natural Start Alliance, is mentioned in this article about the growth of nature-based preschool programs.


Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News

San Antonio Zoo’s preschool to expand

Natural Start Alliance mentioned in this article about San Antonio Zoo's preschool.

West Side Christian School launching nature-based preschool program

Natural Start Alliance mentioned in this article about new nature-based preschools in Michigan.


Preschool Without Walls

Read about the Natural Start Alliance in the New York Times.


2016 Year End Message from Judy Braus

NAAEE Executive Director, Judy Braus, expresses appreciation to members and supporters and looks forward to 2016 initiatives including launch of new website.


Every Student Succeeds Act Includes Historic Gains for Environmental Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) applauds the Senate passage of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act, which replaces No Child Left Behind. The much-anticipated bill includes language that, for the first time, supports opportunities to provide students with environmental education and hands-on, field-based learning experiences. A companion bill overwhelmingly passed the House last week.


Every Student Succeeds Act Includes Historic Gains for Environmental Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) applauds the Senate passage of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act, which replaces No Child Left Behind. The much-anticipated bill includes language that, for the first time, supports opportunities to provide students with environmental education and hands-on, field-based learning experiences. A companion bill overwhelmingly passed the House last week.


NAAEE’s 44th Conference in San Diego Was One of the Largest, Most Diverse Gatherings Ever of Environmental Educators in the United States

New waves of game-changing optimism propelled the largest, most diverse gathering ever of environmental educators in the U.S. at recent North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) conference.


Post 2015 Conference Message from Judy Braus

Judy Braus letter to membership, recapping 2015 conference in San Diego, CA.


NAAEE Presented 11 Individuals and Organizations With Awards for Excellence in EE at its 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

NAAEE Announces 11 Hallmark Individual and Organizational Awards in Environmental Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), a leader in environmental education, announced 11 hallmark awards, presented to an impressive slate of individuals and organizations from North America and recognizing leadership in the field, during NAAEE’s 44th annual conference in San Diego.


Co-founder and Trustee of the Pisces Foundation, Randi Fisher, Receives NAAEE's Award for Distinguished Leadership in Environmental Education at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Pisces Foundation's Randi Fisher Wins NAAEE Award: Distinguished Leadership in Environmental Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education's (NAAEE) recognized Randi Fisher, co-founder and trustee of the Pisces Foundation, with the award for Distinguished Leadership in Environmental Education. One of NAAEE's hallmark honors, the award recognizes an individual who has created systemic change to strengthen the field of environmental education. The award was presented at the opening ceremony of NAAEE's 44th Annual Conference in San Diego.


Joshua York, Naturalist and Education Supervisor with Five Rivers Metroparks, Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual (Local Level) at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Five Rivers Metroparks' Joshua York Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual (Local Level)

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Joshua York, a naturalist and education supervisor at Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, Ohio as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, York received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual at the Local Level.


Associate Professor Dr. Alan Reid Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Dr. Alan Reid, an associate professor of education at Monash University as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Reid received the award for Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE.


California Educator Kay Antunez Receives NAAEE's Highest Honor, the Walter E. Jetske Award, at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

California Educator Kay Antunez Wins NAAEE's Walter E. Jeske Award

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Kay Antunez, a long-time California educator in the field of environmental education, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Antunez received the Walter E. Jeske Award.


NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus presents Agrium Program Coordinator Lindsey Metheral with the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Global Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Agrium Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization (Global Level)

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Agrium, Inc. ( as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Agrium received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Global Level.


The Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Affiliate Organization at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding NAAEE Affiliate Organization

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized the Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, MEEA received the award for Outstanding NAAEE Affiliate Organization.


NAAEE Executive Director Judy Braus presents Outdoor Afro Founder Rue Mapp with NAAEE's Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Award in 2015.

Outdoor Afro's Rue Mapp Wins NAAEE's Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Award

At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, NAAEE recognized Rue Mapp of Outdoor Afro as the recipient of the Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Award in recognition of her leadership to educate about environmental justice concerns and promote action that addresses these issues at the local, regional, or global levels.


The Prairie Science Class Receives NAAEE's Award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Regional Level at NAAEE's 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Prairie Science Class Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization (Regional Level)

At an awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, NAAEE recognized the Prairie Science Class (PSC) as the recipient of the Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization at the Regional Level award, one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field.


Earth Force's Lisa Bardwell Wins NAAEE Award: Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual (Regional Level)

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) awarded Lisa Bardwell, former president and CEO of Earth Force (, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Bardwell received the award for Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual at the Regional Level.


Toronto Teacher Nancy Gillis Receives NAAEE's K-12 Educator of the Year Award at the 2015 NAAEE Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Toronto Teacher Nancy Gillis Wins NAAEE Award: K–12 Educator of the Year Award

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) recognized Nancy Gillis, a teacher in the Toronto, Canada School District, as the recipient of one of NAAEE’s hallmark annual awards recognizing leadership in the field. At a special awards reception during NAAEE’s 44th Annual Conference in San Diego, Gillis received The K-12 Educator of the Year Award for her efforts in promoting environmental education and utilizing the environment as a context for learning in her teaching.


San Diego Was the ‘Hotspot’ for Game-Changing Voices at 44th Annual NAAEE Conference

A new wave of game-changing voices in EE, an inspiring corporate luminary leading the charge in diversity and inclusion, the connections between EE and social justice movements, and the transformative power of story-telling are among the highlights of the 44th annual NAAEE conference.


EE Builds Community

NAAEE Board President, Pepe Marcos-Iga writes to NAAEE membership about the role of EE in building community.


Association of Zoos and Aquariums Awards 44 Nature Play Grants

The Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) today announced the recipients of 44 “Nature Play Begins at Your Zoo & Aquarium” grants.


Natural Beginnings Lead Teacher Presents at Preschool Conference

Read this article about a local Illinois teacher attending the 2015 National Nature-Based Preschool Conference.


Tiny Trees Preschool

Preschool in Parks Fans Say Model Could Save Millions for Universal Pre-K

Natural Start Alliance mentioned in this article about Washington's growing outdoor preschools.


Millennials Are Failing Because We Are Failing Them: The STEM Gap

Natural Start mentioned in this Forbes article about the STEM gap.